And there are few words more powerful than ‘moist’. After all, what other word has the ability to make an entire gender bristle and wish they were dead?
Yesterday, People Magazine posted a video in which ‘sexy men’ said creepy words like ‘moist,’ ‘supple’ and, inexplicably, ‘chicken’. (Do people hate the word chicken? This is news to me.)
It’s as terrible as it sounds.
The first ‘sexy man’ to utter the unmentionable word was Scott Foley, who you might remember as one of the love interests from Felicity.
Yeah, I somehow don’t think *Scott Foley* is the man to rob the word ‘moist’ of its power.
Next up was Matt LeBlanc, an actor with a notoriously sleazy delivery.
This is a man who made a career out of saying, “How you doin’?” to women. Why would People Magazine enlist him to say the word ‘moist’?
Here’s Ian Somerhalder from The Vampire Diaries saying ‘moist’.
Because there’s nothing more reassuring than a vampire softly mumbling, “Moist” at you. Right, ladies?
Next up on the bill was a man from The Walking Dead. I refuse to acknowledge him saying moist so I’ll say this – he’s putting a colour in his hair, right?
Next up was Ryan Gosling. Just kidding! It was the dry shite brother from Party of Five.
Look at the grave expression on his face. He looks like he’s asking you to donate money to starving children. I hate this.
Christian Slater smirking and saying the word ‘moist’ should be punishable by law.
Lock him up and throw away the key.
Not even Tyson Beckford can get away with this nonsense.
The big finale? Bloody Ed Sheeran giggling and saying the word ‘moist’.
As if women don’t have it hard enough.
Now let’s never repeat that word again.